Examination Scheme

Students shall be evaluated on two components: 20 internal and 80 end semester examination. There will be 20 marks for internal evaluation, three internal evaluations will be conducted out of which two will be written test and third will be assignment/presentation/quiz/class participation. Best two out of 3 evaluation will be considered as internal marks. The semester examination carrying 80 marks will have two sections A and B. Section A worth 60 marks will have six theory questions out of which students will be required to attempt any four questions. Section B carrying 20 marks will contain one or more cases (cases/practical/numericals)
The Major Research Project (MRP) of Internship or Fieldwork shall be compulsory for all students. MRP/Internship/Fields work shall be allotted to the students at the end of the second semester. Students will be required to submit the final MRP project/Internship/Field Work report in the hard bound form in the required number of copies specified by the University, fifteen days before beginning of III semester examination. Major Research Project (MRP)/Internship/Field work shall be maximum 100 marks –out of which, 50 marks will be for the report and its contents and 50 marks will be for the presentation/viva-voce. A panel of external and internal examiner wills jointly award both of these components of marks. The university shall appoint the external examiner and the Director/head of the Institution shall appoint the internal examiner. A panel of external and internal examiners shall evaluate the student’s performance.