Director’s Message
Dr. Sangeeta Jain
Dear Students,
Albert Einstein famously said, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity.” Since times immemorial, the GSIMR has repeatedly met all expectations by successfully rising to challenges and continues to do so. Even amidst the global pandemic, Covid-19, our institute looked at the adversity in the eye and employed out-of-box thinking to ensure the wheel of learning doesn’t stop and growth remains unabridged. To contrive immediate and sustainable solutions to the crisis which posed a threat to the sanctity of education, GSIMR immediately harnessed its established technological infrastructure of potential and engineered mechanisms to elaborate the reach of knowledge and make learning accessible to all through Digital Learning. Even when goals are static, the solutions call for dynamicity to cope with the ever-changing world around us. Today, institute has imbibed the plethora of techniques to work more efficiently and effectively that technology presents into its day to day working and stands at the global forefront.
At GSIMR, students are expected to have an enriching and life-turning experience, which enables them to reach new heights in their professional life. We sharpen the skills and enhance the knowledge of our students through various extra-curricular activities. Our faculty not only keep themselves at par with the current development but also contributes to the expansion of the body of knowledge in their field of expertise.
Best wishes.
Stay Safe and Healthy.